Anti-Human Trafficking Bills Deserve to be Heard
The Legislature has only a few days to pass Anti-Human Trafficking Bills SB 1044 and HB 167 which would hold hotels and motels responsible if they turn a blind eye to traffickers.
Ask for a full vote on the House & Senate floors this session and protect Floridians from suffering like Lynn did! As to SB 1044, contact: President Joe Negron at (850 487-5025);Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto (850 487-5027); and as to (HB 167) contact Speaker Richard Corcoran, (850 717-5000) and Rep. Jose Oliva (850 717-5110).
Please share my story and urge the Florida Legislature to pass SB 1044 and HB 167 to hold hotels and motels responsible for turning a blind eye to human trafficking #Lynnsstory #HumanTrafficking #Survivor
Posted by Lynn Doe on Tuesday, 6 March 2018